communication cycle

Communication Cycle: Meaning, Process, Elements and Examples

In this high-tech world, communicating is an essential factor in everyday living. It creates an opportunity to share ideas, feelings, emotions, and any kind of information with one another. Relationships may fall apart, or tasks may be left incomplete if the parties involved cannot communicate. One of the critical concepts that one needs to understand about how communication works is the communication cycle. 

The communication cycle is a step-by-step process of moving messages from one person to another. This communicates how a message can be understood and receives the proper feedback. By following the communication cycle, one can avoid misunderstandings in communication and improve connectivity with others. Several key elements of a communication cycle include sender, message, channel, receiver, and feedback. Each part is of special importance in the smooth flow of communication. 

What is Communication Cycle?

The communication cycle is how an individual conveys messages and ideas to others. It starts when one person sends a message to another person and closes when he receives feedback from the other person. The whole process helps ensure that both people understand each other. Without the communication cycle, the message becomes lost or misunderstood. A communication cycle is a means that helps to share information with people. 

Communication Cycle Examples

 Understanding the communication cycle is essential in both personal and professional life, as it helps improve conversations, reduces confusion, and strengthens relationships.  This cycle is repeated whenever people talk, write, or use other communication modes.

MessageLesson instructions
EncodingSpeaking, using gestures
ChannelFace-to-face communication in the classroom
DecodingStudents listening and understanding
FeedbackStudents asking questions or nodding

communication cycle

Explain the Elements of the Communication Cycle

The communication cycle includes several important elements. Each element plays a role in ensuring that the message is sent, received and understood rightly. Let us now look at each of these elements in detail.


The sender is the person who initiates the communication. He/she has an idea or wants to share any information with the other person. The sender has to think over what he/she will say and how to say it, as this is very important in this step because if the sender does not make it clear, the message may be misinterpreted.


Message refers to the information that the sender would like to share. It can be of various forms- Words, gestures, or even pictures. The message needs to be clear and good to be understood. Otherwise, the receiver might not get its sense correctly if confused.


Encoding is turning thoughts into words, gestures, or symbols. The sender determines the best way to communicate, for instance, by writing a letter, email, or speaking right away. Encoding is how the sender puts their message into a form the receiver may understand.


Channel means the means through which the sender transmits the message to the receiver. It can be face-to-face talk, telephone, text message, or e-mail. Right channel selection is very important. For example, a serious discussion is better done face-to-face; a simple text message suffices for a more straightforward message.


The receiver is said to be the other party receiving the message through attention or what he/she is reading or watching to understand the message. The consumer contribution is equally essential as that of the sender. Failure to pay close attention can lead to the missing individual receiving important information.


Decoding is a process that understands the message. The receiver takes words, gestures, or symbols and interprets them to understand what the sender is trying to convey. The effectiveness of good decoding primarily depends on the skills of listening and understanding possessed by the receiver. 


Feedback is the reply from the receiver towards the sender. This specifies whether the message has been interpreted correctly or not. The importance of feedback is effectively viable in a communication cycle. Feedback enables the sender to understand whether he needs to explain something more or whether the message was clear enough. Without feedback, the communication cycle will not be complete.

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Communication Cycle Process

The communication cycle process comprises different steps that considerably aid in making messages flow smoothly from one end to the other. Every step is critical, building on its predecessor to lead to clear communication.

Idea formation

The first step in the communication cycle is generating an idea in the sender’s mind. The sender conceives what he or she will communicate- it may be information, a question, or a command. The clearer and more perfect the idea, the better the communication.

 Encoding the Message

The next step for the sender after clarifying the message is encoding. Encoding refers to putting the idea forward through words, gestures, or symbols. The sender selects how best to put the message across. This could be by writing to someone, calling them, or using body language.

The Message is Sent

After the message has been sent by encoding, it is up to the sender to select a medium to convey it, whether in person, by email, by text, or by phone. In any event, the sender’s decision on the medium depends on the context and significance of the message.

Receptivity of the Message

Upon sending, the recipient receives the message on the chosen channel. Attention should be given to its content for it to be properly understood. Otherwise, if the sender’s attention is diverted, he will miss some important parts of the shackling message.

Decoding the Message

The receiver decodes the contents: reads or interprets words, gestures, or symbols. This step’s importance is that the receiver’s understanding efficiency will be determined by how he decodes the received message.

Providing Feedback

After decoding, the receiver should give feedback. Feedback can be an oral reply, a nod, or a question. Feedback lets the sender know if the message was received or if the recipient needs further explanation.

Continuance of the Cycle

Communication is an ongoing process. After feedback has been provided, the cycle starts again, with the sender’s clarification, and continues until both sender and receiver understand the other reverse.

7 Stages of Communication

Seven phases in the communication cycle manage the flow of information. Understanding the stages helps in clear communication.

Sender has an Idea

The first stage occurs when the sender has an idea he/she wants to send, which can be an order, an instruction, or a concern. The sender should have a clear perception of what he wants to communicate.

Encoding the Idea

The next step is encoding the idea into a message. This is the process of using words, gestures, or symbols to expect and should be chosen sufficiently so that the receiver can understand the message while sending it.

Choosing the Channel

Now, the sender has an appropriate communication channel to transmit the message. It may be by telephone, through a discussion or written, like an email or message. The channel choice depends on the message’s nature and the degree of intimacy between the sender and the addressee.

Sending the Message

After choosing a channel, it is the sender’s turn to go ahead and send his message; through the selected channel, the message travels from sender to receiver. This part is particularly important, adhering to the conditions of clarity and timeliness. 

Receiver Gets the Message

As a message is relayed, it is received by a receiver, who then processes the same message for understanding. While in such a process of understanding the message, he must concentrate on the message while avoiding heterogeneous distractions. 

Decoding the Message 

The receiver decodes it with the help of interpreting the words, symbols, or gestures. Listening and understanding make good decoding.

Giving Feedback

And then the last thing is feedback. The receiver responds to the received message by informing the sender whether or not he could understand the communication. Feedback helps complete the communication cycle so that both sender and receiver share the same understanding of the delivered message.

Communication Cycle FAQs

What is communication cycle?

The communication cycle represents a process by which messages move between two people. 

Explain the elements of communication cycle.

Elements of communication cycle include the concept of sender, message, encoding, channel, receiver, decoding, and feedback. 

What is encoding in communication cycle?

Encoding is the process of translating one’s thoughts into words, gestures, or symbols. 

What is the importance of feedback in communication cycle?

Feedback indicates whether or not the receiver has comprehended the message. It helps the sender know if he needs to elaborate on the matter or whether the communication was successful.

Can you give communication cycle example?

A teacher explaining a lesson to students is a good example. The teacher sends the message, the students receive and decode it, and then they give feedback by asking questions or responding.