foreign trade

Foreign Trade: Meaning, Types, Benefits, Advantages And NIFT

Foreign trade is the exchange of commodity or services between nations, allowing countries to obtain resources, products, and markets that are unavailable domestically. Therefore, by specializing in producing goods they can manufacture at the cheapest or comparatively cheaper cost against others, countries operate most efficiently and develop their economies further. The concept of international trade dates back to ancient civilizations as one of the trading routes for exchanges between the East and West was the Silk Road. The foreign trade offers an opportunity and prospect for business enterprises and consumers on the consuming end. Companies can expand their markets across borders into foreign lands, sourcing new markets and consumers

What is Foreign Trade?

Foreign trade, also known as international trade, is an activity in which countries exchange goods, services and capital across national borders with other countries. Foreign trade is part of globalisation because it connects the markets and increases economic interdependence among nations. It allows countries to enjoy the latest available technologies, varieties of products.

foreign trade

Types of Foreign Trade

Foreign trade can be broadly classified into import, export, and entrepot trade. Each type has a different role in the global market and contributes to a country’s economic development differently.

Import Trade

 Nations engage in import trade when they do not possess the resources or know-how to produce the same products locally. Middle Eastern countries import food items due to their dry climate, which cannot support agricultural production.

Import trade enables countries to import various products, from raw materials to finished goods. It ensures domestic consumers can access diverse products, mostly at competitive prices. 

Export Trade

Export trade is selling products and services of domestic origin abroad. Countries seek to export to increase their market share, income generation, and employment opportunities. Export trade raises a country’s foreign exchange, strengthens its currency, and boosts its world ranking.

Entrepot Trade

The other form of entrepot trade, or re-export trade, occurs when goods are imported into one country and exported to another without alteration. Countries such as Singapore and Dubai have been known to possess strategic geographical positions that encourage this kind of trade. Entrepot trade makes a country a big trading hub and thus attracts foreign investments, strengthening its economy. It also facilitates the easy distribution of goods in the global market, saving transportation costs and delivery time.

Benefits of Foreign Trade

Foreign trade has several benefits for countries, businesses, and consumers. It promotes economic growth and international cooperation and increases the overall standard of living.

Economic Growth

In countries, international trade tends to push economic growth due to the availability of larger markets, advanced technologies, and resource diversity. International trade can allow countries to specialise and focus on goods they are in a better comparative position to produce. This will increase efficiency and productivity levels.

It fosters investment and employment, with higher incomes, earnings, and income levels. Expanding trading networks between nations will attract foreign direct investment to boost economic development further.

Resource Access

With international trade, countries are able to procure resources that are in short supply or unavailable on the local market. The added access to more resources allows countries to build their industries, upgrade product quality, and satisfy even local demand. 

Consumer Benefits

Foreign trade is an advantage for consumers in that it gives them a variety of goods at cheap prices. New products and services are made available within the domestic market, thereby increasing consumer choice and improving living standards.

Advantages of Foreign Trade

While Foreign Trade has a lot of benefits that assist developing countries and their economy, it also allows them wider market access, better international relations, and higher stability. 

Improved International Relations International

Companies enjoy economics of scale, lower production costs, and higher profits as they gain access to the markets. At the same time, growing market access injects innovation and competitiveness into firms, which strive to meet the unique demands of international consumers. 

Improved International Relations

Foreign trade promotes international cooperation and strengthens interstate relations. Trade accords and cooperation increase mutual understanding, limit hostilities, and sustain peace in the world. International trade helps create good economic relations between nations and their trading partners.

Economic Stability

 International trade helps countries mitigate the effects of economic fluctuations and achieve sustainable growth. Trade also promotes efficient resource allocation because countries focus on producing goods where they have a comparative advantage. This specialisation increases productivity, reduces costs, and improves economic performance.

National Institute of Foreign Trade Management

National  Institute of Foreign Trade is India’s premier institution promoting foreign trade education and management. Established in 1963, IIFT has provided special programs in international business, trade policy, and global marketing. IIFT offers complete training and research to students and professionals interested in foreign trade. It offers MBA, executive courses, and doctoral programs to study various facets of international trade and business management. IIFT collaborates with government agencies, international organizations, and industry leaders to develop appropriate foreign trade policies and strategies. 

Foreign Trade FAQs

What is foreign trade meaning? 

Foreign trade is the exchange of goods, services, and capital between countries.

What are the types of foreign trade? 

Foreign trade can be categorised into three: import trade, export trade, and entrepot trade. 

What are the advantages of foreign trade? 

The advantages of foreign trade include economic growth, access to diverse resources, increased consumer choice, and improved product quality. 

What are the advantages of foreign trade? 

Foreign trade advantages include increased market access,  enhanced economic stability, and efficient resource allocation. 

What is the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Management? 

The Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, IIFT is a premier institute in India that offers specialized international business and trade management programs.