
Memorandum: Definition, Purpose, MOA, AOA, Importance & Features

A memorandum is mainly an internal information document, which can be used in many areas including management and law, for telling special information, giving orders or establishing contracts. In the corporate world, the memorandum, the Memorandum of Association (MOA) that is, is a document which spells out the engagement of the company with the outside world. It is like a right-premised document, which gives the main aim, the ambit, and the spirit of the organization. This paper examines what a memorandum is and its aim, significance, how it is connected to the Articles of Association AOA, and the features of a memorandum.


What is a Memorandum?

A memo is an internal consolidation of information among the concerned parties which prepared in written form. In the business sector, it is referred to as the Memorandum of Association (MOA). MOA is a legal requisite for registering any company as per the Companies Act,2013 in India. It stipulates the name of the corporation, any objectives, the location of the registered office, and the limit of its powers. This document acts as the charter of the company stating the boundaries within which the company will be restricted to work. In short, MOA is the charter of the company without MOA even the firms cannot be incorporated.

Memoranda may also be in internal office communication functions sharing a policy an internal instruction or a notice to concerned employees on any matter. However, other than that the MOA is mandatory in achieving compliance with corporate governance in the establishment and operations of a company in that it provides a comprehensive description of the purpose and the scope of the company’s interaction with the outside world.

Purpose of Memorandum

A memorandum is characterized by a clear lack of need, and this condition encompasses the shareholders, employees, and the general public, all of whom must be informed of the goals and capabilities of that company. It provides clarity about the extent of the organization’s activities and the boundaries beyond which it cannot operate which helps to avoid misunderstandings and enhances openness. The very same operational scope, as made accessible to the public, also helps the shareholders, credit providers, and even the state in understanding the objectives of the structure.

  1. Specifies the Company’s Limits of Operations: The MOA stipulates the primary operations and activities that the company shall engage in and within which delivery of the objectives shall be undertaken.
  2. Discourages Unauthorized Actions: The MOA restricts the activity of the company to the particulars included in the memorandum, barring the management from conducting any activities not otherwise provided for.
  3. Serves as a Social Instrument: Being that the MOA is a document that can be accessed by any member of the public, it serves as a good source of information to people willing to do business with the company including its creditors and investors, portraying the company’s business activities to them for appropriate decision making.
  4. Assists in Formation of a Company: The Memorandum is very important for its purposes in the registration of the company under the Companies Act. It makes the company incorporated, rendering it a body corporate.
  5. Defines the Bonding between the Company and the Shareholders: The shareholders or members are defined in the memorandum along with their rights and obligations towards the company for better management of expectations.


When it comes to the formation of a company, incorporation is not a sufficient process without the inclusion of the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA). Both documents play an important role in outlining the internal management of the company but are different in their objectives and extent.

Memorandum of Association (MOA)

  • The memorandum of association is an open document, which states the aims and purposes of a company. 
  • For those looking into the incorporation or registration of a company, it contains essentials like the name of the company, its registered address, the liability of the members, the share capital, and the objects of the company. 
  • A memorandum of association will also give out information to parties concerned outside the company such as potential investors, lenders, and government agencies.

Articles of Association (AOA)

  • The Articles of Association is a document that regulates the daily activities and management of the company. 
  • It lays down provisions that concern the management of the company such as the duties of the directors, the manner of conducting meetings, and the right to vote. 
  • Articles of Association enhance the Memorandum of Association by explaining in what way the aims of the organization would be furthered through business activities.

Difference between MOA & AOA

AspectMOA (Memorandum of Association)AOA (Articles of Association)
ScopeDefines the company’s purpose and scope of activitiesGoverns internal operations and management
Public AvailabilityAccessible to the publicInternal document, limited to stakeholders
Legal ImportanceEssential for company registrationRegulates internal governance
AmendmentsDifficult to amend; requires shareholder approvalEasier to amend through a board resolution

Importance of Memorandum

Memorandum plays a crucial role as the bedrock of a company’s legal and operational panorama. The memorandum is pivotal in facilitating transparency, responsibility, and adherence to the laws. It sets out limits that control the management from acting beyond the purposes of the firm and secures the interests of both the shareholders and the creditors.

1. Mandate/Legal Endorsement for Formation of Businesses: The Memorandum of Association is a compulsory criterion that needs to be fulfilled to execute the process of incorporation. No such document, no legal existence of a company, and no beginning of any activity.

2. Impart Sunshine to the Stakeholders: The Memorandum of Association (MOA) outlines the objectives and the activities of the company ensuring that all the shareholders, potential investors and even creditors are well enlightened.

3. Avoid Abuse of Authority: The Memorandum of Associations (MOA) limits the company’s administration from performing acts outside its specified goals, thus assuring accountability in management.

4. Facilitates the Purpose of Investment: The purpose, structure and the financial status of the company as per the MOA is of great importance to the investors and creditors prior to indulging in the business.

5. Balance of Power Between the Management and the Ownership: The memorandum of associations defines the scope of activities of the company and therefore limits the power of management relative to the expectations of the members.

Features of Memorandum

The characteristics of a memorandum demonstrate its nature as a primary tool that regulates the external engagements of the enterprise. These characteristics guarantee the existence of an elaborate system of operation establishing order and fairness in activities.

1. Legal Document: A memorandum is a binding legal document that gives legitimacy to the company and secures the rights of the shareholders and the creditors.

2. Specifies the Range of Activities: It specifies the aims and activities that the firm is permitted to undertake so that the business remains on track and within the law.

3. It Is Available for Public Inspection: Under law, the MOA is maintained in the Registry and is open to the stakeholders which safeguards the operations of the business as well as promotes confidence in the company.

4. Cumbersome Dynamics: The MOA does not allow for changes, thus preserving the focus of the company. Adjustments may be made only with the consent of proprietary persons and the governing bodies.

5. Interaction With Other Stakeholders: The memo outlines how the business intends to interact with its shareholders, potential investors, and creditors so that their interests are in line with how the business pursues its objectives.

6. It Has Important Information: A memorandum of association comprises many relevant particulars such as the name, the address of the registered office, the amount of share capital, and the objects clause thereby giving a clear view of the structure of the organization.


The memorandum is an integral part of a company’s legal framework as it contains the aims and objectives, the extent of the activities, and the context of the relationship with the outside world. It is mandatory for the registration of companies and provides structural guidelines for business activities. Furthermore, together with the Articles of Association (AOA), the memorandum maintains that a company conducts its activities lawfully and ethically, for the benefit of shareholders and other interested parties. More so, businesses understand the purpose of the memorandum, its defining elements, and its significance in putting businesses in a good position to build lasting growth and success.

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Memorandum FAQs

What does a memorandum aim at?

A memorandum aims to articulate the objectives, scope, and stakeholder relationships of the company, thereby facilitating compliance and transparency in law.

What is the distinction between MOA and AOA? 

An MOA encompasses the objectives and external links of the company while an AOA deals with management and operations inside the organization.

What is a memorandum and why is it necessary for company registration?

A drafting memorandum is necessary when registering a company since it gives legal status to the company and states its purpose.

What are the salient features of a memorandum?

Salient features comprise legal status, availability for the public, inflexible form, and precision in expounding the ambit and goals of the company.

How does the Memorandum of Association safeguard the interests of the shareholders?

The MOA prevents the management from carrying out activities that fall outside the corporate objectives thus protecting the interest of the shareholders.