Primary Function of Money

Primary Function of Money: Medium of Exchange & Store of Value

Money, therefore, plays its primary function of being a medium of exchange, unit of account, store of value, and standard of deferred payment. To this effect, it facilitates the granting of transactions, helps in valuation, and provides an avenue for economic stability. Its effectiveness in these aspects sets it apart from other assets, and hence, it is extremely necessary for modern economies.

Primary Function of Money

Money is What Money Does – What is Money?

Money is anything that is generally accepted in a society to liquidate goods and services. It can act as a unit of account, a store of value, and a standard of deferred payment. Money evolved from barter centuries ago to coins and then finally to paper currencies and now digital forms. Money is a unit of value, enabling people and organizations to express themselves in trading with one another without complex calculations. Ultimately, money is a measure of value that enables one to translate goods and services in specific costs. It plays a very important role in the economy as it provides a standardized measure of value and facilitates trade.

  • Durability: Must be long-lasting and not wear out easily.
  • Divisibility: Can be broken into smaller units for ease of transactions.
  • Portability: Easy to carry and transfer from one person to another.
  • Uniformity: All units are identical and valued the same.

Need Money? – Visualize the Scenario

Understanding why we need money involves trying to visualize life in a real barter world, where goods and services are exchanged for other goods and services. Such a system was full of limitations which were overcome by the emergence of money. The visualization, therefore, proves to be an excellent way of developing an appreciation for the role that money plays in modern economic activities.

  • Lack of Double Coincidence of Wants: The barter system required both parties to want what the other offered, making transactions difficult. Money solves this problem by acting as a universal medium of exchange.
  • Indivisibility of Goods: Some goods are not easily divisible, which makes exchanging them for smaller items complicated. Money provides a way to break down value into smaller units, facilitating more precise transactions.
  • Lack of a Common Measure of Value: Barter systems lacked a standard unit to measure the value of different goods. Money standardizes value, allowing consistent pricing and easier comparisons.

What are the Functions of Money?

Money functions can generally be categorized into four primary areas, which indicate its importance in economic transactions. These functions are important for supporting financial stability, the generation of economic growth, and effective market operation.

  • Medium of Exchange: Money facilitates the buying and selling of goods and services, eliminating the inefficiencies of barter systems. Acts as an intermediary that simplifies the exchange process in everyday transactions.
  • Unit of Account: Provides a standard measure of value, making it easier to compare the prices of goods and services. Enables consistent valuation across different products, helping in budgeting and financial planning.
  • Store of Value: Money can be saved and retrieved in the future, retaining its value over time. Allows individuals to transfer purchasing power from the present to the future.
  • Standard of Deferred Payment: Facilitates transactions where payments are made over time, such as loans and credit. Money maintains a consistent value, making it reliable for future payments.

Money has Overcome the Drawbacks of the Barter System

With the advent of money, the inconveniences of the barter system came to an end, and it automatically affected the pattern of trades and commerce. With the advent of money, there began a significant advancement of development in the economy and launched large-scale trades and industries in the world.

  • Universal Acceptance: Money is widely accepted as a medium of exchange, unlike the barter system which requires mutual need. Its acceptance has streamlined trading practices globally.
  • Simplified Transactions: Eliminates the need for direct exchanges, reducing the complexities and time involved in trading. Ensures that transactions are faster, more efficient, and less prone to disputes.
  • Enhanced Economic Efficiency: Allows for precise pricing and valuation, making markets more competitive and efficient. Reduces transaction costs, leading to better allocation of resources in the economy.

Demand for Money

Demand for money is the desire to keep liquid cash so that transactions may be made, invested in, or saved for future needs. The demand for money is impacted by many factors that determine how much cash people and businesses want to keep with them. Understanding demand for money has importance since it directly bears upon inflation, interest rates, and generally the economy’s stability.

Primary Function of Money
  • Transaction Motive: People hold money to meet daily expenses and conduct regular transactions. This demand increases with higher income levels and a more active economy.
  • Precautionary Motive: Individuals keep money aside to deal with unforeseen circumstances or emergencies. Acts as a financial cushion in times of economic uncertainty or job loss.
  • Speculative Motive: People hold money to take advantage of investment opportunities or to avoid potential losses in other assets. Influenced by interest rates and the state of the financial market.


Primary Function of Money is the pivot around which any economy functions. As a medium of exchange, a unit of account, store of value, and standard of deferred payment, money has streamlined trade and enhanced economic efficiency. Money has successfully overcome the disadvantages of the barter system, resulted in more accurate transactions, and thus supports economic development. Knowledge about money demand leads to understanding financial behavior and implementing effective economic policies.

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Primary Function of Money FAQs

What is the primary function of money?

The primary function of money is acting as a medium of exchange to increase the purchase and sale of goods and services.

How does money solve the drawbacks of the barter system? 

Money solves the drawbacks of the barter system because it eliminates the problem of double coincidence of wants, standardizes the value, and makes transactions easy.

What are the four functions of money?

These four functions of money include being a medium of exchange, unit of account, store of value, and standard of deferred payment.

Explain why the money demand is important.

Demand for money does influence spending, saving, investment, and economic stability in an economy.

What makes people hold money?

People hold money for purposes of transactions, precautionary needs, and speculative opportunities.