types of business communication

Types of Business Communication: Upward, Downward, Horizontal & More

A good communication process is the backbone of any business. Communication helps organizations disseminate information, make decisions, and maintain relationships. There are several types of business communication. They are external, internal, written, nonverbal, and upward and downward communication. Effective communication makes the smooth flow of operations. It can build team spirit, and customer relationship-building possible. A communicative company can fast-track its success while also minimizing misunderstandings. 

If a company needs to run smoothly, communication must also be clear. Employees, managers, and customers should all speak the same language. The opposite leads to confusion, mistakes, and lost opportunities. A good business will invest in good communication practices.

Without proper communication, effective operation is impossible. There must be an understanding among employees, managers, and customers. If communication is poor, there will be confusion, mistakes, and missed opportunities. Every thriving business adopts good communication practices. 

What is Business Communication?

Business communication covers information flow within arbitrary boundaries. It is the exchange of messages flowing mainly between employees and managers. It also is exchange between customers, and other stakeholders. A business can coordinate, builds relationships and meets its objectives.

Every type of business communication takes place at various levels or forms – it can be written, spoken, visual, or conducted in non-verbal ways. All these serve as forms of business communication. Such can be emails, reports, meetings, presentations, and advertisements. Clear, timely, and relevant business communication is significant to any company.

types of business communication

Types of Business Communication

There are different types of business communication based on the medium used and the purpose behind it. For example, it can be divided into internal communication and external communication.

Internal Communication

Internal communication occurs within a company. It is the communication exchange that takes place among employees and management. It keeps the workflow and smoothens the operation of the company.

Features of Internal Communication

  • Enhances efficiency and coordination among departments
  • Encourages collaboration and teamwork
  • Strengthens organizational culture
  • Helps in quick decision-making
  • Reduces chances of misunderstandings and misinterpretations

Examples of Internal Communication

  • Team meetings and brainstorming sessions
  • Emails, memos, and newsletters
  • Employee feedback surveys and suggestion boxes
  • Company intranet and digital platforms
  • One-on-one discussions between managers and employees

Types of Internal Communication

 Internal communication keeps the employees updated, informed, and engaged with business objectives. There are various types of internal communication.

  • Upward Communication: Upward communication flow includes employees and higher management. Such as reports, feedback, and suggestions. Employees rank their concerns, opinions, and progress to their superiors.
  • Downward Communication: Downward communication refers to messages that flow from the management to employees. It includes all the instructions, policies, and announcements for the organization. They date back to when leaders disseminated this information. So as to keep their employees abreast of the guidelines and expectations.
  • Horizontal Communication: Horizontal communication is communication between employees. Employees are at the same level in the status hierarchy. It makes communication better for activity coordination across departments. Here, teams share information and deliberate on project-related issues to arrive at solutions.
  • Diagonal Communication: Diagonal communication occurs between officers working at different levels. It happens in different departments of an organization. It provides greater flexibility, better understanding, and quicker resolution of problems.

External Communication

External communication is between a company and its various outside parties. Such as customers, investors, suppliers, and government institutions. External communication is critical in shaping an organization’s publicity and managing a professional relationship.

Features of External Communication

  • Make clientele and dealership bonds strong. 
  • Raising the value of a company and recognition of the brand 
  • Ensure regulatory compliance with the legal and governmental bodies:  
  • Creating trust upon reasonable dealings 
  • Affecting the sales, customer loyalty, and growth of the corporate

Examples of External Communication

  • Advertising and public relations campaign 
  • Customer service inquiries and complaint handling 
  • Press release and media contact 
  • Business negotiations and partnership agreements 
  • Meetings with investors or communicating with shareholders’ effort

The various types of External Communication are given below.

  • Business-to-Business (B2B) Communication: B2B communication between companies includes contracts. It includes discussions with suppliers, sales of bulk products, and partnership agreements.
  • Business-to-Customer (B2C) Communication: B2C communication is the advertisement through promotional emails, social media. It outreach, and service interaction with customers, all of which enhance customer experience and expedite sales.
  • Government Communication: Companies sometimes must communicate with government agencies. It is about compliance, taxation, and regulation issues. Businesses should adhere to the laws and communicate properly with authorities to avoid legal problems.
Other Types Of CommunicationDescription
Verbal CommunicationIncludes spoken words in meetings, phone calls.
Written CommunicationEncompasses emails, reports.
Non-Verbal CommunicationInvolves body language, facial expressions, and gestures.
Internal CommunicationCommunication within an organization between employees and management.
External CommunicationCommunication with clients, suppliers, and stakeholders outside the organization.
Formal CommunicationStructured communication following organizational protocols.
Informal CommunicationCasual interactions that occur naturally within the workplace.
Upward CommunicationInformation flow from employees to management.
Downward CommunicationDirectives from management to employees.
Lateral CommunicationInformation exchange between peers or departments.

Importance Of Business Communication

It is necessary to have good communication for the success of a business. It increases employee cooperation in making decisions and assures customers.

Increases productivity

Understanding the expectations, which clarifies for an employee, makes confusion less and efficiency more. The relationships have been more productive once workers ascertain their duties.

Improves Decision Making

Information is accurate, and the proper decisions can be made. This means it will quickly and cleanly get information to the right hands. It will also help with strategies and problem-solving.

Enhances Relationships 

Good communication creates trust between employees and their customers or other stakeholders. It also helps generate teamwork and collaborative effort. Good employee motivation and satisfaction will be the result of such inspired communication.

Reduces Conflict

Poor communication creates employee-employee miscommunication, and a misunderstanding between them creates conflict. Predictable communication would bring resolution in many places without having to explain or go back and forth to prove a point. Proper communication between employees and managers will facilitate speedier resolution of conflict.

Promotes Innovation 

The growth of the organization is directly proportional to innovation. Therefore, employees should share ideas freely. This is achieved by creating an open communication environment by having creativity and an edge over the competition.

Objectives Of Business Communication

Business communication establishes important objectives, These objectives facilitate the proper operation of firms towards such objectives.

Information Dissemination

Business communication is all about facilitating the transmission of information. Employees, managers, and clients must always receive the most updated and credible information on a specific topic.

Decision Making

Decision-making is also an important function that communication fulfills; if the correct information is nevertheless clear and accessible, will the managers be able to utilize the same for planning and problem-solving.

Motivation and Morale

Communication builds motivation for the employees. Managers communicate to bring a sense of importance and participation to their employees. 


Coordination must occur across different departments within a firm. Optimal communication helps ensure that groups can work well to meet common deadlines.


In the corporate setup, communication serves the purpose of persuasion. It guides clients, investors, or employees. In marketing messages, persuasion will be extremely important during negotiations and sales.

Process of Business Communication

Business communications are characterized by a regular process that follows several steps, each pertinent to efficient communication.

  1. Sender: The sender is the individual who begins a communication. A sender constructs and transmits messages.
  2. Message: The message is the information the sender desires to convey, which must clearly express its intent.
  3. Encoding: Encoding means converting the message into a form that the receiver can understand, whether verbal, written, or visual.
  4. Channel: The channel is the means for communication; it can be through email, phone, meetings, or reports.
  5. Receiver: The receiver is the individual who receives the message. They should interpret and understand it correctly.
  6. Feedback: Feedback is the response from the receiver. Feedback ensures communication that has been correctly understood.

Barriers to Business Communication

There can be many obstacles to effective business communication; communication barriers should be recognized and overcome.

  • Language Barriers: Language barriers also cause misunderstanding due to differences in language, jargon, or unclear messages.
  • Cultural Barriers: Misinterpretation may arise from artistic backgrounds.
  • Physical Barriers: In long distances, noise, and poor communication channels, messages are obstructed.
  • Emotional Barriers: Communication Cycle can be very much influenced by stress, anger or personal differences.
  • Information Overload: Too much information tends to cause confusion among employees, and decision-making may suffer.
  • Lack of feedback: Communication breakdowns arise mainly from a lack of feedback; without feedback, the sender cannot ascertain whether the message has been correctly understood.

7 C’s of Business Communication

The seven C’s of business communication are a set of treasured principles. This enhance clarity and effectiveness. It improves the overall quality of communication. Keeping business communication as clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous as possible is what these seven principles ratify. So, being faithful to them saves all the hassle of misunderstandings. It increases efficiency in operations that play crucial roles in business by making every interaction meaningful and productive. 

ClearEnsure the message is clear and free from ambiguity.
ConciseKeep the message brief and to the point.
ConcreteProvide solid facts and stay specific.
CorrectUse accurate information and correct language.
CoherentEnsure the message is logical and consistent.
CompleteInclude all necessary information in the message.
CourteousBe respectful, friendly, and considerate in communication.

Types Of Business Communication FAQs

What is business communication?

Business communication is nothing but an exchange of information within and outside organizations. It helps employees, managers, and customers interact with one another and achieve the business goals.

What are the types of business communication?

The types of business communication are refers verbal, written, non-verbal, and visual communications. They serve different purposes within the business environment.

What is the importance of business communication?

Business communication is regarded to be very important when it comes to productivity, decision-making, teamwork, and customer satisfaction. In the very first place, this allows business operations to run smoothly and productively.

What are business communication objectives?

Business communication objectives include information sharing, decision-making, motivation, coordination, and persuasion.

What are business communication barriers?

Business communication barriers are language barrier, cultural barriers, physical barriers, emotional barriers, information overload barriers, and feedback barriers.